Friday, January 18, 2013

Ruben Dario, Nicaraguan poet

Félix Rubén García Sarmiento, né le 18 janvier 1867 à Metapa (aujourd'hui Ciudad Darío) et mort le 6 février 1916 à Léon, était un poète nicaraguayen. Il est à l'origine du mouvement moderniste en Amérique Latine (Azul, 1888 ; Chants de vie et d'espérance).
Dès 1893, il se rend à Paris, où il rencontre les poètes qu'il admire: Verlaine, Gourmont, Moréas. Le mouvement moderniste qu'il portera s'inspirera de trois mouvements européens : le romantisme, le symbolisme et le Parnasse.
Il vit dans la capitale française les premières années du siècle, et y publie Prosas profanas (1901) et Parisiana (1902).

Rubén Darío (born Félix Rubén García Sarmiento, 18 January 1867 – 6 February 1916) was a Nicaraguan poet who initiated the Spanish-American literary movement known as modernismo (modernism) that flourished at the end of the 19th century. Darío has had a great and lasting influence on 20th-century Spanish literature and journalism. He has been praised as the "Prince of Castilian Letters" and undisputed father of the modernismo literary movement.
During the first years of the 20th century, Darío lived in Paris, where in 1901 published the second edition of Prosas profanas.
In March 1903 he was appointed as consul by Nicaragua.
Rubén Darío
Rubén Darío
Plaque: 4, rue Herschel
Dans cette maison
habita de 1908 à 1912
Ruben Dario
Poète et écrivain nicaraguayen
1867 - 1916
Ruben Dario, Nicaragua poet and writer (1867-1916), lived in this house, 1908-1912.

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dalida, pop singer

Dalida, née Iolanda Cristina Gigliotti, née le 17 janvier 1933 au Caire, en Égypte, et morte le 3 mai 1987 à Paris, est une chanteuse et actrice. D’une famille d'origine italienne, elle a surtout chanté et joué en français mais aussi en italien, en arabe égyptien, en anglais, en espagnol et en allemand.

Dalida (17 January 1933 – 3 May 1987), born with the Italian name Iolanda Cristina Gigliotti, was a famous singer and actress born in Egypt to Italian (Calabrian) parents but naturalised French with the name Yolanda Gigliotti. She spent her early years in Egypt amongst the Italian Egyptian community, but she lived most of her adult life in France. She received 55 gold records and was the first singer to receive a diamond disc. Dalida performed and recorded in more than 10 languages including: French, Arabic, Italian, Greek, German, English, Japanese, Hebrew, Dutch and Spanish.
Renowned for the changes she wrought to the French and global music industry with her powerful and colourful performances, she is today still remembered by aficionados throughout the world. A 30-year career (she debuted in 1956 and recorded her last album in 1986, a few months before her death) and her death led to an iconic image as a tragic diva and renowned singer.
Dalida | Buste par Aslan, place Dalida à Montmartre.
Plaque: rue d'Orchampt
a vécu dans cette maison
de 1962 à 1987.
Ses amis montmartrois ne l'oublieront jamais.
Dalida lived in this house, 1962-1987.
Her friends in Montmatre will never forget her.

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Copyrights: Images hotlinked from Wikipedia Commons retain their licences. All other pictures are CC-BY-NC-SA, Serendiparis, 2001-2013

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Society of the Cincinnati

La Société des Cincinnati (Society of the Cincinnati) est la plus ancienne société patriotique américaine, fondée par George Washington le 13 mai 1783 et composée de ceux qui s'étaient distingués pendant la Guerre d'indépendance des États-Unis.
La section française a été fondée en janvier 1784 à Paris.

The Society of the Cincinnati is an historical, hereditary lineage organization with branches in the United States and France, founded in 1783 to preserve the ideals and fellowship of the American Revolutionary War officers. The city of Cincinnati, Ohio, then a small village, was named after the Society. Now in its third century, the Society promotes public interest in the American Revolution through its library and museum collections, exhibitions, programs, publications, and other activities.
Société des Cincinnati
Société des Cincinnati
Plaque: 40, rue du Cherche Midi
La section francaise
de la
société des Cincinnati
a été
fondée dans cet hôtel
7-16 janvier 1784
en souvenir de la guerre
de l'indépendance
The French branch of the Society of the Cincinnati was founded in this mansion, 7-16 January 1784, in remembrance of the American Independance War  

Wikipédia fr:Société des Cincinnati
Wikipedia En:Society of the Cincinnati
Copyrights: Images hotlinked from Wikipedia Commons retain their licences. All other pictures are CC-BY-NC-SA, Serendiparis, 2001-2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ossip Mandelstam, Russian poet

Ossip Mandelstam (Осип Эмильевич Мандельштам), né à Varsovie le 15 janvier 1891 et mort à  Vladivostok le 27 décembre 1938, est un poète et essayiste russe majeur du XXe siècle. Il est l'un des principaux représentants de l'acméisme, dans le cadre de « l'âge d'argent » que la poésie russe connaît peu avant la révolution d'Octobre.
D'octobre 1907 à mai 1908, il est étudiant à la Sorbonne à Paris où il suit les cours de Joseph Bédier et d'Henri Bergson qui auront une influence sur son oeuvre future. Il y découvre la poésie de Verlaine.
Arrêté une première fois en 1934 pour une épigramme jugée contre-révolutionnaire, il sera exilé à Tcherdyne puis à Voronej, jusqu’en 1937. Il est de nouveau arrêté mai 1938 lors de la période des Grandes Purges, et condamné à cinq ans de travaux forcés. Il meurt  du côté de Vladivostok pendant le voyage qui le conduit dans un camp de transit aux portes de la Kolyma. Son corps est jeté dans une fosse commune.

Osip Emilyevich Mandelstam (Осип Эмильевич Мандельштам) January 15 [O.S. January 3] 1891 – December 27, 1938) was a Russian poet and essayist who lived in Russia during and after its revolution and the rise of the Soviet Union. He had been born on 15th January, 1891 (3rd Jan old style). He was one of the foremost members of the Acmeist school of poets. His first poems were printed in 1907 in the school's almanac.
In April 1908, Mandelstam decided to enter the Sorbonne in Paris to study literature and philosophy. He left the following year to attend the University of Heidelberg in Germany.
He was arrested by Joseph Stalin's government during the repression of the 1930s and sent into internal exile. In 1938 Mandelstam was arrested again and sentenced to a camp in Siberia. He died on 27 December that year at a transit camp.
Ossip Mandelstam
Ossip Mandelstam
Plaque: 12, rue de la Sorbonne
Ossip Mandelstam, poète russe (1891-1938), a vécu dans cette maison en 1907-1908.
Ossip Mandelstam, Russian poet (1891-1938) lived in this house in 1907-1908.

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Copyrights: Images hotlinked from Wikipedia Commons retain their licences. All other pictures are CC-BY-NC-SA, Serendiparis, 2001-2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Maurice Jaubert, film music composer

Maurice Jaubert est un compositeur français né à Nice le 3 janvier 1900, mort le 19 juin 1940 au front, à l'hôpital de Baccarat. Maurice Jaubert est particilièrement connu pour ses nombreuses partitions pour le cinéma, Zéro de conduite et L'Atalante de Jean Vigo, Quatorze Juillet de René Clair, Un carnet de bal et La Fin du jour de Julien Duvivier, Drôle de drame, Hôtel du Nord, Le Quai des brumes et Le jour se lève de Marcel Carné.

Maurice Jaubert (born Nice 3 January 1900 - wounded in combat at Azerailles near Baccarat, where he died 19 June 1940) was a French composer of incidental music for stage and film music, famous for his collaborations with the masters of poetic realism Jean Vigo, René Clair, Julien Duvivier and Marcel Carné. He also had a long collaboration with Jean Giraudoux.
From 1931-5 he was music director of the Pathé-Nathan studios, where he conducted not only his own scores but those of Arthur Honegger and Darius Milhaud. He makes a cameo appearance as a conductor in Kurt Bernhardt's La Nuit de décembre (1939). As a journalist he championed many composers, including Kurt Weill.
In Vigo's Zéro de conduite he played recorded sounds backwards to accompany a slow motion sequence, anticipating a favorite technique of musique concrète.
French film director François Truffaut used Jaubert's music in his films in the late 1970s.
Maurice Jaubert
Maurice Jaubert
Plaque: 98, rue du Cherche Midi
Maurice Jaubert
habita cette maison
de 1931 à 1939
Mort pour la France
le 19 juin 1940
Maurice Jaubert, composer; lived here from 1931 to 1939. Mort pour la France, 19 June 1940.

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Copyrights: Images hotlinked from Wikipedia Commons retain their licences. All other pictures are CC-BY-NC-SA, Serendiparis, 2001-2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Tcherepnin, Russian-born composer

Alexandre Nikolaïevitch Tcherepnine (Александр Николаевич Черепнин) est un compositeur et pianiste russe, né à Saint-Pétersbourg le 2 janvier 1899 et décédé à Paris le 29 septembre 1977. Il émigra de Russie avec sa famille en 1917. De 1921 à 1948, il vécut à Paris entre ses tournées et ses séjours principalement en Chine, au Japon et aux Etats-Unis.  Plusieurs de ses oeuvres furent créées aux Etats-Unis, dont il avait acquis la nationalité en 1958. Il est mort à Paris en 1977.

Alexander Nikolayevich Tcherepnin (Александр Николаевич Черепнин) (21 January 1899 – 29 September 1977) was a Russian-born composer and pianist.
After the 1917 Russian Revolution, the family fled St. Petersburg to Tbilisi, Georgia. In 1921 , they settled in Paris, where Alexander completed his musical studies at the Paris Conservatory, and became associated with composers Martinu, Mihalovici and Beck.
From Paris Tcherepnin launched an international career as a pianist and composer. He began yearly visits to the United States in 1926 and later went to the Far East, making several extended visits to China and Japan between 1934 and 1937. While in China, he met Lee Hsien Ming, a young pianist whom he married in Europe. World War II, during which he lived in France, virtually stopped his musical activities but the immediate postwar period brought a resurgence of creative energies.
In 1948, he went to the United States, settling in Chicago in 1950 and in 1958 acquiring United States citizenship. He and his wife taught at DePaul University in Chicago, where the Chicago Symphony Orchestra premiered his second symphony with Rafael Kubelík conducting. From 1964 he divided his time between the United States, mainly New York, and Europe. He was a National Patron of Delta Omicron, an international professional music fraternity.
He died in Paris in 1977.
Alexandre Tcherepnine
Alexandre Tcherepnine
Plaque: 2, rue de Furstenberg
Le compositeur Alexandre Tcherepnine (1899-1977) habita cette maison. 1983.
Alexandr Tcherepnin (1899-1977), composer, lived in this house. 1983

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Copyrights: Images hotlinked from Wikipedia Commons retain their licences. All other pictures are CC-BY-NC-SA, Serendiparis, 2001-2012