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| Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) and Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) stayed in this hotel in 1937-1939 and then again during WWII. "I was lying when I was saying: We are one. Between two individuals harmony is never given, it must be conquered endlessly.'(S. de Beauvoir, La Force de l'âge / The Prime of Life). "But one thing will never and cannot change: whatever happens, and whoever I become I will become it with you' (J.P. Sartre, Lettres au Castor / Witness to My Life & Quiet Moments in a War). Anxious to preserve their personal liberty, they stayed in two rooms, each with a view to the Montparnasse cemetery, where they are re-united. Association La Mémoire des lieux. | |
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| Simone de Beauvoir, 1908-1986, writer and philosopher who authored The Second Sex, lived in this house 1955 - 1986. | |
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